When we look into this world, we find that man run back and forth for mukthi (deliverance). It is because man is a spiritual being and he senses the need of spiritual salvation. A materialist would say that when a man dies he would be dissolved into the different materials in this world. They think that like animals he ceased to exist. However, we have to understand that is not the end of man. When he dies, dies to enter into another life. The Bible clearly mentions about the life after death.
This life after death has two places to go: one with God i.e. Heaven and the other without God i.e. Hell. A life after death without God is because of sin. To get rid of from going to hell we should accept the conditions that are mentioned in the Bible.
Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Any one who is born into this world is a sinner. Some would say that we should not tell like that and do not accept this fact that man is a sinner. But the truth is that if sin is not there then where from crimes are coming. All types crimes such as, murder, robbery all shows that the sin is prevailing in this world.
If man would not have been a sinner, then there was no need of police station and court. Even children sin, tell lies, steal and cover up. To develop poison for the next generation of Cobra it not needed to inject poison. Because, man is a sinner his children are also become sinners. Sin is a crime against God. According to God’s justice, a sinner should be punished.
According to Indian penal code, even if 1000 criminals escape one innocent person should not be punished. If the rule of this world is such severe one, then what about the rule of God. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages if sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” If we confess our sins, he would forgive. Christ is the only one can save a person from that sinful situation.
Man is a helpless creation in many of the occasions. From the beginning as an infant he is helpless whereas animals are not so, when an animal’s kid is born at that moment itself it gets up and walk. What about a human infant? It is very helpless and lives at the mercy of others. Psalm 40:2 says, “He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a Rock making my footsteps firm.” Therefore, it is very clear from here that a man is in the miry clay. The condition of miry clay is that when a man falls in to that he cannot escape by himself. How much he tries that much he would go down. Anyone who is drowning in the water if did not know how to swim will die if not saved by others. Some one who knows how to swim or some one from the land should give a help then only he could be saved. A strong man with muscle as if like a volley ball may think he is very strong yet if something happens to a nerve that goes to his brain he would be paralysed or go insane. Man is a helpless creature when the death comes. No one likes to die. Many desired to live 120 years. The Bible says in Psalm 49: 7, 8 “No man can by any means redeem his brother or give to God a ransom for him—for the redemption of his soul is costly…” No one can save him from the death. Death is a phenomenon passes to all men. If this is talking about the physical death, then what about spiritual death? Because of sin and its punishment, the redemption of the soul became so precious. The redemption of the soul could only be brought by the sinless person, Christ. Soul of a man is costlier than the world. Mk. 8:36, 37 say, “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Can the money of the person save him. Can a person bribe God to enter heaven? Some Nominal Christians do that. If someone can pay money and gain, heaven, then heaven could be filled with wealthy people and poor people will not reach heaven. Heaven is for all people. A person is helpless to reach heaven because of sin. He is helpless to redeem himself so he has to admit the helplessness.
To get salvation we should accept Christ died for us. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 3:25, 1John 2:2 Already it is understood that a person is helpless to save himself or herself. Can another person save? A sinner cannot save another sinner. A sinless person is needed. When two people have a problem, a third person who is not involved in that problem need to be consulted for solving the problem. Man is alienated from God because of sin. Moreover, the punishment of God is there on man. Christ is the one who can free from the punishment of sin. He was sinless at the birth; in His life, he did no sin. He challenged people to show His sin. He was born in Bethlehem; he ministered to the people and preached way of salvation: he healed sick, cast out demons, raised dead even after four days of death, deaf and dump spoke, lame made to walk; He fed 5000 with five loaves and two fishes. People were after him they made him king. In reality, he was king but He desired to serve. In Mark 10:45 He said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, to give His life a ransom for many.” John the Baptist said, “He is the one who takes away sin of the world” In reality He bore the sin of the world. When the time came, He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (i.e. a slave’s value). Christ was arrested, He could have escaped but He did not. He asked them who came for arresting Him, “whom are you searching for? They said that they were searching for Him. He said that He was the one for whom they were searching. Then he allowed them to arrest Him. His disciples ran away. He was left alone to go with the soldiers as a lamb to be sacrificed. He took the sin of the world. Before the court, he did not have anything to say. The court proved that Christ did not commit any crime. It was difficult for Roman government to execute innocent. Yet because of people’s demand, He was handed over and instead of Him, they released the worst criminal Barabbas. When Judas understood Christ is going to be executed, will not escape, and will not save Himself he cast out coins in the temple and committed suicide. Christ was crucified. Do not be angry at this incident, it had to take place as a sacrifice for the sin of the world. After saying, “It is finished” He committed His spirit to God and died. Redemptive work was completed. The world thought he was finished. His body was kept in grave and sealed the opening of it. Yet He was resurrected on the third day. He ascended into heaven. Jesus lives even to day. When the great men of this world died and buried. Their tombs were closed forever but Christ’s tomb was opened forever. At Gandhiji’s sepulchre, a woman went and said, “OH! Bhapugi, Christ died on Friday resurrected on Sunday…” no reply came. But Christ lives to day to save you. Christ’s death saved a criminal Barabbas. On that day, soldiers went to Barabbas and called him he thought that it would be for execution but that was for release. Barabbas might have wondered, but they said that Jesus would die for him. He would have thought how can it be possible for a criminal another person die? Barabbas was released and he might have seen innocent Jesus standing for facing judgment. He might have said that not to kill Jesus. However, that voice might not have been heard. He might have said within himself, “Jesus you died for me I will leave for you.” My friend Christ died for you. 1 Peter 2:21-25 says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness” He loves us that’s why he died for us 1 John 4:9,10 says, “ in this love not that we loved God, but he loved…” He became a propitiation for us. He quenched God’s wrath against sinners by dieing on the cross. He died in the place of you to save you. Accept him as your Saviour to get salvation that is the only way. Rom. 10:9, 10 says, “…if we confess Him…we shall be saved” Until this point, we have discussed that, we are sinners and because we are sinners, we are helpless and to help the helpless condition Christ died for us, but that is not enough we have to accept Him as He died for us. We should accept that we are sinners helpless and Christ died for us. Everyone knows Christ died for sinners. That knowledge will not save a person (e.g. if we say sugar is sweet we will not understand it is sweet unless we taste and say that it is sweet). You should experience Christ’s salvation in your life. Recognition is not reception; your determination today will make sure your destiny safe. John 1:12 says, “… as many as received Him to them gave He power to become children of God…” Acts 4:12 says that Salvation is possible only in Jesus’ name. He is the way, the truth and the life except though Him no one can reach heaven (John 14:6) Those who do not accept Christ will face punishment of sin. You may have been born in Christian family. Anyone who is born in hospital will not become a doctor. Though you are born in Christian family, still you need to accept Christ. Whether you are believer’s son or not still you have to accept Christ. When we accept Christ, about 37 things are taking place. They are Becoming God’s child, getting eternal life, name is written in book of life etc...
John 3:16 says that whoever believes in Him will not perish (i.e. going to Hell). No one will snatch them away from the hand of Jesus (John 10:28.). Christ is going to come again. If you need to go with Him then you should be a saved person. If you would like to be saved, say a prayer with the following points: “Lord, 1) I am a sinner, 2) I am helpless to save myself from sin, 3) I believe you died for me, 4) I accept you as my personal Saviour; make me Your child”. If would have done like that you are a born again child of God.
If you have done the above four points, then you are a born again person. Christ said that He would come again. If Christ comes today, you will be there with Him. This is the assurance of salvation you have.