Build On What?

Building on the Rock

A contrast between a wise man build his house on the rock and an unwise man build his house on the sand could be seen in the Bible in Matthews' Gospel 7: 24—27. The building of the house referred is not about the building of the house with sand and cement on the rock or sand. The contrast is made between those who hear and obey Jesus Christ and those who do not hear and obey Him. The response of Jesus to those, whose hopes were built upon their works and not upon their relationship with Christ, will be, “Depart from me, I never knew you” (Mat. 7: 23)
Look at the text: two types of people are mentioned for examination. Notice first the similarities between these two people:

  1. Both heard the words of Jesus, both built houses, and both houses experienced a storm. 
  2. Next, note the differences: One obeyed the words, the other did not, and one house stood firm, while the other fell.

 We are living in a stormy time. We are never promised exemption from these storms simply because we are believers. It will rain on the just and the unjust, the wicked and the good, the saved and the unsaved, the one who goes to the church and the one goes to the temple or mosque. 
These are stormy times for all people. Unemployment is up and the stock market is fluctuating. Inflation is shaking the developed countries while profit margins are going down. Terrorists attack on most prominent places and monuments of the world as well as the very headquarters of the defence departments. The world is rocking and the times of uncertainty come up. The problems of the winds and waves of change beat against the church, against homes and communities. In the times of uncertainty, we have to better make sure that upon what we have built our faith.