In the Old Testament, in very few occasions dances took place. Usually it accompanied with national celebration of victory. But such dances were spontaneous and celebratory, not liturgical. It was not a part of daily tabernacle worship or temple worship. In the O T, there were teachers of song, teachers of instruments, choir leaders, leaders of praise, but never choreographers. If God wanted dance for worship, why wouldn’t He have included this group of leaders?
Dance was not part of worship in the early church. Nowhere does the New Testament authorize dancing as an act of church worship. Dance played a prominent role in many pagan cults. In all the temples dances were performed. Because early Christians in no way wished to be associated with such practices, they avoided dancing in church. Christians avoided social dancing, too, as it was usually associated with drinking and sexual immorality in Roman culture.
Galatians 5:19-21 lists “works of the flesh,” condemns what is variously translated “lewdness” or “lasciviousness” or “licentiousness.” Thayer’s lexicon says these words carry the idea of “indecent bodily movements”, which is found in most of the modern-day dances and MTV shows. Dances are designed, largely, as an art form to express lovemaking. As Mt 5:28 says it could tempt people
There are no examples of Jesus, the apostles, or Christians dancing. Neither Jesus nor any of the apostles are ever recorded as either teaching or practicing dancing. None of the 27 books of the New Testament teaches dancing as a form of worship.
Galatians 5:19-21 lists “works of the flesh,” condemns what is variously translated “lewdness” or “lasciviousness” or “licentiousness.” Thayer’s lexicon says these words carry the idea of “indecent bodily movements”, which is found in most of the modern-day dances and MTV shows. Dances are designed, largely, as an art form to express lovemaking. As Mt 5:28 says it could tempt people
Jesus spoke of a change from physical worship to spiritual worship (Jn 4:21—24). The Bible progresses from the natural to the spiritual.
In the heavenly scenes of worship of the redeemed, especially, in the Revelation (ch 4,5) do not include any instances of dancing.
It is very difficult to dance modestly. I have been in churches where people dance by jumping up and down vertically. This is a show of immodesty, and especially so among women.
Is Choreography an acceptable element in the church ministry? There is no doubt that God has not approved Choreography, Choreographer in Christian ministry and Church worship in the New Testament.