Family Management


“Divine order” is an order of ‘authority’ and responsibility which is spelled out in the Bible, I cor 11: 3, Colo.3: 20. God has ordered the family according to the principle of ‘headship’ Each member of the family lives under the authority of the ‘head’ whom God has appointed.

  1. CHRIST, the ‘Head’ of the husband; the Lord of the family. 
  2. HUSBAND, the ‘Head’ of the wife; chief authority over the children.
  3. WIFE, the ‘Helpmeet’ to the husband (Gene.2:18); secondary authority over the children
  4. CHILDREN, obedient to parents.

Thus God has structured the family along clear-out lines of authority and responsibility. It is important to recognize this structure at the outset, for it is so little understood in our day, still less practiced. Yet God has made the well-being and happiness of the family absolutely dependent upon the observance of His divinely appointed order.
 Any change from that which His will has ordered only brings froth a misshapen form, for which there is no cure except a return to God’s original order.